Be Your Own Saju Master: A Primer of the Four Pillars Method

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Be Your Own saju master: a primer of the Four Pillars Method

Decode your saju chart to unearth your subconscious where your future and destiny are on the make

For many centuries in the East, the Four Pillars has been used as a method of divination to guide individuals with their relationship, wealth, and in general, fortune. But very little is known about the method as a theory. Saju master and author, Dr. Sarah Kim offers an easy-to-follow instructional guide with the basic tenets that will enable you to read and interpret the Four Pillars (saju) charts. Decoding your saju chart is like diving into water to examine the bottom of the iceberg; you will gain knowledge about yourself through the unique perspective of natural anthropology as presented in this primer. Bring your questioms about your life—past, present, and future—and about your relationships with significant others to engage in this spiritual exercise. Your saju chart will be your personal oracle to provide the answers you need.

saju chart (Four Pillars of Destiny)

Your saju can be obtained from the Ten-Thousand-Year (TTY) Calendar based on your accurate birth date information. Evaluating your saju (sah-joo) chart can be a meaningful experience. A saju—in its four pillars and eight characters—illuminates a person's life and destiny from birth to death and beyond. It informs you of your luck cycles, arranged in one-year, five-year, and ten-year marks. Your saju reveals your character, temperament, family of origin, current relationships (your compatibility with significant others), education, career, health, wealth, and the timing of life's important events. The evaluation process may help you to examine your life through a unique viewpoint and to plan and manage your future.

access the saju calculator

The saju calculator is a digital TTY calendar. Click the button to retrieve your saju chart and luck cycles by using your birth date information.

If the calculator is unresponsive, visit and access the calculator from the homepage. Changing device or clearing cache also may help.


Nature as Our Teacher and Guide

by Sarah Kim, Th.D.

“Location, location, location.” This phrase is a popular saying in business. It might seem faded with the prevalence of digital commerce nowadays, but no wise business person would underestimate the correlation between a favorable location and a successful business. Likewise, we can examine the locations of a person’s journey in this world to better understand his or her character, life, and prospects for success. For humans, location can generally be described in two ways: spatially and temporally. When we name places where people belong, we can conjure up images of their existential locations: the mountainous hills of the Himalayas, the deep rainforests of the Amazon, crowded and bustling cities in Europe, the burning deserts of Central Africa. We can almost see their faces, perhaps even the color of their eyes, and speculate about what kind of life awaits them. But space alone tells only half the story. We must understand time as part of our existential context.

People who lived through 2020 and the following years, for instance, are pandemic survivors whose memories are indelibly seared by the loss of millions of lives to the COVID-19 virus. The hardest hit year 2020 was the Year of the White Rat—which felt like nature’s revenge for the countless white mice sacrificed in laboratories for scientific advancement. No one anticipated the historic tragedy, yet everyone was affected worldwide. Time inevitably dictates human experience; and space and time, as inseparable as they are, determine human destiny.

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